idk why i made two introduction pages but yk... this layout is just too cool to ignore X)
pic of the week: aka my winner of eurovision 2023
song of the week: Lord Of The Lost - Cha Cha Cha what a beautiful combination of my two favs
hi again!!! you wanted to know even MOARE about me and since i tend to overshare, you came to the right place :D
my likes: dr. pepper, bananas, math, dolls, cartoons, emo/scene and gyaru style, my cat, actually, any cat in existence, sometimes dogs, airplanes, eurovision
my dislikes: r*ssia, air raid sirens, loud noises, airplane noises, philosophy, corn, angry and strict people, alcohol, cigarettes, drunk people, bratz (i'm sorry, but the only cool thing about them is clothes, i much prefer myscene)
my favourite cartoon: she-ra and the princesses of power is my all time favourite!!! it had such an impact on 13-15 yo me! i would be a completely different person without this beautifull reboot. my other favs: harley quinn (it's so funny, i never laughed so much at cartoon before), camp camp (that's just a classic, also funny af), winx (winx deserved so much better. how could you ruin such potential?? #neverforget)
my favourite show: stranger things is my all time favourite, i think. i didn't really care about it when i watched it for the first time, then season 3 came out, and then SEASON FOUR. i was so hyped for no reason LMAO. still love it tho. my other favs: fleabag (brilliant show, you MUST watch it.), h2o just add water (cleo was the best, argue with the WALL), gentleman jack (still pissed they canceled it), paper girls (still pissed they canceled it 2), the society (still pissed they canceled it 3). i think i see a pattern
my favourite game: your turn to die. my avatar is actually a character from that game, his name is ranmaru and he is emo bc i said so. i can't say much, just that this game is perfect combination of everything, even tho it's made in rpgmaker, it actually adds flavor. my other favs: detroit become human (duuh, it was my life in 2018), moon chai story (this is ukranian graphic novel game), alice: madness returns (UNDERRATED, why no one talks about it anymore?? best alice of them all blonde bithes)
my favourite anime: saiki k. funniest anime of all time, no question. my other fav: chainsaw man (i prefer manga bc im lazy to watch anime but im gonna include it here)
my favourite song: memento mori by kaya. i do not understand a single word, but i understand everything this man sings about you know. such a perfect song. overall, i enjoy every genre of music, sometimes even rap and country (unbelievable rare, but still happens)
my hobbies: i used to dance for 9 years, quitted bc of my team (i was a loner, so i don't blame them. i think...), still love dancing tho. sometimes i make bracelets and rings from beads, used to make edits, now im too lazy, also i collect dolls !! now i do stretching x)